Month: December 2015

Monthly Letter from Head of School Neal Piltch

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Dear Parents,

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with friends and family. Rhonda and I had a great time. We managed to rest and relax while mixing turkey with football, reading, and golf.

Although I enjoyed the recent holiday in a pleasant and amicable ambiance, the violence in the world this last month has troubled me. I question whether it is just my perception, or is the world crazier and more violent than usual? Reading the local and global news about the deaths in Paris, Colorado Springs, and now in Albuquerque (DWI), reinforce this view of the world. These horrendous events have left me bewildered and angry.

By nature I consider myself an optimist, though I mix this optimism with pragmatism. I wonder why do these things happen, and what can we do to prevent them from recurring?  I look to my parents, who led by example, for the answers.

When we were younger, my parents regularly told my eight siblings and me that we had a duty to make the world a better place. We all took this to heart and thought it was our obligation. They gave us the tools and guidance we needed to be good citizens. At Manzano Day School, we strive to do the same. We are well aware of the importance in teaching children empathy and ethics, and instilling values that will guide them throughout their lives.

Children are very impressionable, so each of us should be the best role model possible.  I am reminded of the lyrics to one of my favorite Whitney Houston songs; “I believe the children are our future teach them well and let them show the way”. Thank you for being part of our community that promotes kindness, compassion, and respect.

As we enter the holiday season, I am cheered by the universal sentiment of Peace on earth and goodwill to mankind. These words convey the essence of the season, and it is my wish that we live by these words throughout the entire year, not just during the holidays.

Over the next few weeks, I look forward to connecting with many of you. I wish everyone the greatest holiday season. As the weather turns colder, may you find comfort in the warmth of family and friends and in addition “may the wind always be at your back”.  Stay healthy and best wishes for an abundant 2016!

Warm regards,

Electronic First Name

Neal Piltch
Head of School